ICD-10 Code : H348320 (H34.8320). Trib rtnl vein occlusion, left eye, with macular edema (Tributary (branch) retinal vein occlusion, left eye, with macular edema)

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General information on the “H348320” code

Revision: 10th Revision

ICD-10 Code: H348320 (H34.8320)

Code Type: Diagnosis

Description: Trib rtnl vein occlusion, left eye, with macular edema (Tributary (branch) retinal vein occlusion, left eye, with macular edema)

Chapter/Section : Diseases of the eye and adnexa (H00-H59)

Section/BodyPart : Disorders of choroid and retina

Note : The code is valid for submission on a UB04

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